Technology free day

Posted by Diane Debevec on Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I took a technology free day day on Sunday, never turning on the computer and minimizing cell phone use.  It takes some getting used to, having the phone & computer off, with a part of my brain that is always anticipating emails or phone calls. Such a welcome rest.  Hard to remember the days, barely 15 years ago, when we were not so constantly connected.

I refrained from car usage & walked to the studio with Sydney in tow and camera in hand.  Spent a good 7 + hours working through some things, and the time flew by.  I never even turned on the radio, which is unusual for me.  Guess I'm craving deep quiet.  Worked til early evening, then started our walk home.  Jeff knew we were on our way and surprised us by picking us up a little more than halfway home.

Another 8 hours at studio on Monday, though a completely different feel.  Finished a painting, started some sketches, took off into a sidetrack project.  I like Amy's expression, "I took a cross-town bus."  She uses that to refer to tangents in a conversation, but it also works for artistic sidetracking.   

About Me

Diane Debevec I plan to blog as a way to chronicle this amazing journey of living into a more creative life. A daily journal-writer since 1999, writing has become integral to my life. Hopefully it will add perspective and dimension to this website. Happy reading!
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Technology free day

Posted by Diane Debevec on Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I took a technology free day day on Sunday, never turning on the computer and minimizing cell phone use.  It takes some getting used to, having the phone & computer off, with a part of my brain that is always anticipating emails or phone calls. Such a welcome rest.  Hard to remember the days, barely 15 years ago, when we were not so constantly connected.

I refrained from car usage & walked to the studio with Sydney in tow and camera in hand.  Spent a good 7 + hours working through some things, and the time flew by.  I never even turned on the radio, which is unusual for me.  Guess I'm craving deep quiet.  Worked til early evening, then started our walk home.  Jeff knew we were on our way and surprised us by picking us up a little more than halfway home.

Another 8 hours at studio on Monday, though a completely different feel.  Finished a painting, started some sketches, took off into a sidetrack project.  I like Amy's expression, "I took a cross-town bus."  She uses that to refer to tangents in a conversation, but it also works for artistic sidetracking.   



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