Reading and writing and rhythmic-tics

Posted by Diane Debevec on Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Okay, that title popped into my head and now I have to come up with some subject matter to fit. I've been writing more than ever, it's morning pages seem to be expanding into art process writings.  And, too, this blog.

I have loved the sketchbook I bought at Christmas time to use as a journal.  It is oblong and spiral bound, so I've been writing in it long ways, and for some reason that has suited my mood this year.  I started it January 1st.  Already anticipating that it will soon be filled, I headed to Half Price Books yesterday to buy another.  Why not?  I bought two. 

While there, I shopped and came home with some books to give as gifts, and one for myself.   Sylvia Plath's visual art.  Sylvia was as serious about painting and drawing as she was about writing, and didn't decide to make writing her primary profession until she was about twenty.   I love biographies, and this one promises to deliver.

That's writing & reading.  I cranked up U2 this morning while I was doing housework....rhythmic-ticking my way around with a dust cloth and vacuum cleaner.  "I want to seek la la"  Nothing gets it like U2 when I need to  dance my way to a clean house.  Thanks, Bono.   

About Me

Diane Debevec I plan to blog as a way to chronicle this amazing journey of living into a more creative life. A daily journal-writer since 1999, writing has become integral to my life. Hopefully it will add perspective and dimension to this website. Happy reading!
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Reading and writing and rhythmic-tics

Posted by Diane Debevec on Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Okay, that title popped into my head and now I have to come up with some subject matter to fit. I've been writing more than ever, it's morning pages seem to be expanding into art process writings.  And, too, this blog.

I have loved the sketchbook I bought at Christmas time to use as a journal.  It is oblong and spiral bound, so I've been writing in it long ways, and for some reason that has suited my mood this year.  I started it January 1st.  Already anticipating that it will soon be filled, I headed to Half Price Books yesterday to buy another.  Why not?  I bought two. 

While there, I shopped and came home with some books to give as gifts, and one for myself.   Sylvia Plath's visual art.  Sylvia was as serious about painting and drawing as she was about writing, and didn't decide to make writing her primary profession until she was about twenty.   I love biographies, and this one promises to deliver.

That's writing & reading.  I cranked up U2 this morning while I was doing housework....rhythmic-ticking my way around with a dust cloth and vacuum cleaner.  "I want to seek la la"  Nothing gets it like U2 when I need to  dance my way to a clean house.  Thanks, Bono.   



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