Mid November

Posted by Diane Debevec on Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Yesterday spent in a 5 hour class learning about color theory in life drawing.  I made nothing I would want to keep and yet somewhere in that time was breakthrough.  As always excellent instruction by Emil.

How to balance the activities of life in a way that feeds rather than drains? This is the question I return to again and again.  Once in a while I attain the balance I seek but never does it last.  And then it's back to re-adjusting and adding and letting go.

About Me

Diane Debevec I plan to blog as a way to chronicle this amazing journey of living into a more creative life. A daily journal-writer since 1999, writing has become integral to my life. Hopefully it will add perspective and dimension to this website. Happy reading!
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Mid November

Posted by Diane Debevec on Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Yesterday spent in a 5 hour class learning about color theory in life drawing.  I made nothing I would want to keep and yet somewhere in that time was breakthrough.  As always excellent instruction by Emil.

How to balance the activities of life in a way that feeds rather than drains? This is the question I return to again and again.  Once in a while I attain the balance I seek but never does it last.  And then it's back to re-adjusting and adding and letting go.



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