Jet lagged

Posted by Diane Debevec on Sunday, May 1, 2011
I didn't expect jet lag, because when we went to Sicily last year I didn't experience it in either direction.  Fortunately it didn't hit me at all while we were there, but I've got a case of it now.  Dizziness, nausea, achiness, a general malaise.  Bleh.  I'm grateful at least to be sleeping through the night, and also to be waking around 6 am. I read it can take up to as many days as time zones crossed to recover:  that means I might still be queezy through Tuesday.  Ah, well.

Cincinnati is green upon green, and my irises grew about a foot while we were gone.  No blooms yet.  The trees have leafed out quite a bit, and all of the hostas that disappeared over the winter are in full presence.  I suppose the 9 out of 11 days of rain while we were gone helped to make this happen, and so glad we missed the downpours.  Both of our basements flooded, but no damage to speak of.

Yesterday was a fine day and I joined the plein air group at Devou Park in Covington.  I attempted a watercolor, as this was my travel medium and therefore very handy, and also because I'm not very good at these and want to improve.


About Me

Diane Debevec I plan to blog as a way to chronicle this amazing journey of living into a more creative life. A daily journal-writer since 1999, writing has become integral to my life. Hopefully it will add perspective and dimension to this website. Happy reading!
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Jet lagged

Posted by Diane Debevec on Sunday, May 1, 2011
I didn't expect jet lag, because when we went to Sicily last year I didn't experience it in either direction.  Fortunately it didn't hit me at all while we were there, but I've got a case of it now.  Dizziness, nausea, achiness, a general malaise.  Bleh.  I'm grateful at least to be sleeping through the night, and also to be waking around 6 am. I read it can take up to as many days as time zones crossed to recover:  that means I might still be queezy through Tuesday.  Ah, well.

Cincinnati is green upon green, and my irises grew about a foot while we were gone.  No blooms yet.  The trees have leafed out quite a bit, and all of the hostas that disappeared over the winter are in full presence.  I suppose the 9 out of 11 days of rain while we were gone helped to make this happen, and so glad we missed the downpours.  Both of our basements flooded, but no damage to speak of.

Yesterday was a fine day and I joined the plein air group at Devou Park in Covington.  I attempted a watercolor, as this was my travel medium and therefore very handy, and also because I'm not very good at these and want to improve.




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